Thursday, May 28, 2009

OC Trip -Memorial Weekend 2009

This was Jeremy's 1st time at the beach and he absolutely loved it!!!
Here are some pics:

Friday, May 22, 2009

3 Day weekend.. here i come!!!

I 'm so happy we get monday off and i get to leave at noon today! We have plans to go to OC this weekend b/c i'm craving for some CRABS... yummmy.. can't wait!!!
I just wish the weather was warmer so I can at least lay out on the beach. I'm SO pale and in desperate need for some color.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hey guys!
Sorry for the delay in updating my blog. I was super busy yesterday at work so wasn't able to update.
So, i went to my appt yesterday morning and i was right, we're having a BOY!!! =)
I'm so happy that Jeremy is getting a little brother. We took him with us to share the special moment, so he was able to see the baby on the screen. Although i don't think he realizes what he was looking at, at least he was there to see him for the first time.
It seems like everyone around me is having a girl again.. MAN, jeremy and his little bro will be surrounded by girls! =)

Friday, May 15, 2009


My next sono is on Monday and we get to find out whether Jeremy will have a brother or sister.
I'm excited either way although i have a feeling it's another boy.. :) I just want to find out so that we can start thinking of names. Names are SOOOO HARD!!!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Neverending Sleep Training!

I've been falling asleep at 8pm every night because of Jeremy. It's been about a month since my son started sleeping with us in our bed. He was fine until he got sick a few weeks ago and I started sleeping with him a few times to monitor him throughout the night. Eversince then, he wouldn't sleep in his crib and would cry out for me until i got him. I know this is a bad habit that i help create but i found that it's easier to lay in bed with him until he falls asleep then having to listen to him cry for hrs. I have a routine where i read and sing to him before bedtime and he gets super excited to do this in our bed. I need to break this habit before my 2nd one arrives but i'm so WEAK.. i don't have the heart to let him cry again... (sigh)
Anyway, this is the reason why i've been getting like 10 hr sleep every night. At least i'm sleeping well.. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Monday everyone!

Another week at work...
There are days when i want to just quit and be a stay home mom. I really enjoy spending time with my son over the weekend eventhough it's exhausting. Jeremy is definitely more expressive now and understands pretty much everything you say. It's amazing how little kids pick up things so fast. I feel bad that he has to share our love with his sibling in a few months so we're trying to spoil him as much as we can now. :) We took him to toys 'r'us yesterday to get him a toy guitar and he absolutely loved it. He even wanted to sleep with it.. Too bad it broke that night b/c jeremy accidently fell on top of the guitar. As soon as it happened, he was so sad and goes.... 'oh no.. oh no..'oh no.. like 6 times. Poor thing! It's ok-- mommy and daddy will get you another one!!!!
Hope we're not going overboard with spoiling him. kekeke. =p

Friday, May 8, 2009

Morning sickness- when is it ever going to end?? :(

So , i'm in my 18th week and thought my morning sickness was over. I was wrong b/c 2 nights ago, i puked again. *sorry guys*
I never had any problems with Jeremy but this one is giving me a hard time. I don't get nautious as often but i still do from time to time. I really hope it ends soon.. =(

BTW- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMMIES!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! =)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Ok.. it's super slow at work and i'm dying so i'm going to post another one today.. heehee.
Less than 3 hrs to go... !!!
So we had a babyshower for soojin and jin a couple of wks ago and had a great time. Also got to see my childhood friends, mijin and shelly, whom i haven't seen in a while. I wish you guys lived closer!!!!

Pics from the shower:

Jumping on the bandwagon..

So here's another site that i'm joining after my brief history with xanga, friendster, igoo, myspace, facebook, twitter. Let's see how long i stay with this one.. :) I'm hoping to keep this for a while since i'll be documenting stories about my 2nd ... yes, i'm having another (boy/girl..not sure yet.. will find out in a couple of wks). Due date is 10/7/2009 but since i'm getting a c-section, it will be a week earlier than that. Our first was such a blessing and even though parenthood isn't easy at times, we're looking forward to our 2nd bundle of joy. I'm so excited that Jeremy will get a brother or sister. In the meantime, here are some pics of our little:) Stay tuned for more updates...

Thanksgiving 2008 -with Cousin Mia