Friday, May 8, 2009

Morning sickness- when is it ever going to end?? :(

So , i'm in my 18th week and thought my morning sickness was over. I was wrong b/c 2 nights ago, i puked again. *sorry guys*
I never had any problems with Jeremy but this one is giving me a hard time. I don't get nautious as often but i still do from time to time. I really hope it ends soon.. =(

BTW- HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMMIES!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! =)

1 comment:

  1. wow, i know what you mean about morning sickness cause mine was pretty bad. everyone kept telling me my baby was a girl cause girls give out more morning sickness. who knows, maybe you're carrying a girl this time? can't wait for you to find out!! happy mother's day kris! btw, i LOVE your slideshow!
